Discover Inclusion supports schools in the development of their inclusive practice in relation to the curriculum, life skills and communication.
From September 2023 we will be offering training that can be delivered in schools and other educational settings, such as youth clubs and nurseries. We aim to support your staff to enable access for all children, including those with additional needs.
If you are interested in requesting training, please contact us to discuss further.
What professionals have to say...
Dr Sarah Moseley
"My first impression of the resource packs was how engaging they were. Each pack provides structured activities which integrate all aspects of the teaching of reading, using the Reading Rope as a clear framework."
Asmah, teacher and parent
"Ms Thalia’s explanations were insightful and very informative. Her enthusiasm and trust in children to become independent are very visible and inspiring."
Alessandra, primary teacher
"The training enabled me to restructure my thinking process and put the children at the forefront. All the steps listed are broken down in such a helpful way that I know where to start and how to progress further."

Access to Academic Learning Conference
We are looking for presenters for the 2025 conference! If you are interested in getting involved send us an email.
Early bird tickets will be released soon!
Did you miss out on 2024's conference? You can now buy some of the individual videos whilst supporting Discover Assistance.

Consultancy & Training
Sessions run by Kerry, who has personal experience of the education system as a neurodivergent student and teacher.
We offer live online training sessions and in person face to face training to support mainstream and alternative provision schools, home schoolers and other child focussed settings to create an inclusive environment.
The courses focus on implementing effective strategies school wide and ensuring staff feel prepared to teach the relevant skills. Courses can also be bought to be provided to the parents and guardians of your school to support their use of resources at home.
All courses contain PDF resources that are sent on completion of the course.
To find out more details about the individual courses see below.
Effective Visual Communication
In this session we focus on the different aspects of visual communication and some of the key skills for effective implementation. We want you to make the most of the resources you have available and ensure you have the skills and confidence to progress with the children you work with.
What you can expect:
* Getting started with visuals for an individual and a group of children.
* How to create simple visuals.
* How to set achievable goals that stretch a child's learning.
* Choosing the appropriate visual resource for the goal.
* Supporting behaviour with visual communication.
* The importance of colour in visual resources.
* How to introduce visuals to a child who has previously rejected them.
* School wide implementation of visual communication.
* How to involve and support parents/guardians in using visuals at home.
*Engaging those around the key child in visual communication.
Specific visual resources covered:
* Aided language boards
* The progression to using tech based AAC
* Visual timetables and choice boards
* Activity specific visuals
* Lanyard visuals
How does this training aline with the SEND Code of Practice?
The four main areas of the SEND Code of Practice are: Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties; and Physical and/or Sensory needs. This training focuses on communication and interaction however it is important to consider how communication impacts the other key areas, for example improved communication can improve social and emotion and mental health of a child by giving them a voice.
Children and young people with SEND must be included in decisions about their provision, through improved communication we can support children to use their voice.
Provisions should have have high ambitions and set stretching targets for their children, promote positive outcomes in the wider areas of personal and social development, and ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence. Through this training we will support you in creating goals that stretch your children and create opportunity for development of social and personal skills.
Engaging in Academic Learning
This session is specifically for those teaching children with little or no current interest in academic learning and children who are non/pre-verbal/speaking. The focus is on building skills that can be transferred to a variety of lessons and help with teaching traditionally academic lessons like maths and phonics.
What you can expect:
* How to create initial engagement in activities.
* How to introduce new tasks.
* What to do when the child is struggling or disengaging.
* Appropriate time frames for lessons
* Setting achievable goals that stretch the child's skills
* Utilising sensory interests and physical needs
* How to use visuals in academic learning
Specific resources covered:
* Now and next within a lesson
* Task completion activity
How does this training aline with the SEND Code of Practice?
The four main areas of the SEND Code of Practice are: Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties; and Physical and/or Sensory needs. This training focuses on cognition and learning but has a positive impact on other areas like communication and interaction.
All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. Provisions for SEND should have high ambitions and set stretching targets for them. This training encourages you to engage with the learning of the children by providing accessible lessons that push them to achieve their potential.
Purchase Order
We aim to dispatch orders within 10 days, depending on the size of your order. Payment is due within 30 days of order. When sending payment via BACS please use the invoice number as your reference so we can confirm receipt of payment.
07753 892 647
Company Details
Company Name Discover Inclusion
Company Number 14550419
Supplier Description Educational Resources
Bank Details
Name on Account - Discover Inclusion Ltd
Account Number - 705 880 07
Sort Code - 60-83-71